Nutrition & Meal Times

Day Nursery Rawdon, Childcare Rawdon, Holiday Care Rawdon

We promote healthy eating and encourage children to try different foods to ensure a varied diet. We provide a nutritional breakfast, snacks, lunch and high tea. Our Onsite cook will prepare meals.Mealtime should be a happy, social occasion for children and staff alike. Positive interactions are shared and enjoyed at these times. Practitioners eat with the children to promote good social skills at meal times. Children within the toddler and pre-school room self serve to encourage independence.

Each child has their own water bottle which is available at all times, Milk is provided at snack time.

When you register your child you will be asked if they have any allergies to certain foods or a particular dietary requirement, if this is the case then we take a photograph of your child so that we can display it, along with the information in the kitchen for the cook to comply with. Where appropriate we will carry out a risk assessment in the case of allergies and work alongside parents to put into place an individual dietary plan for their child.

We ensure that our menu's reflect cultural diversity and variation. These will be displayed for children and parents to view in our cloakroom area. Menus will include at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables per day and we use low salt and sugar alternatives where possible.

We change our menu's each week and reflect celebration nursery days within them.

Sample Menus

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Breakfast Choice of cereals / toast / crumpets Choice of cereals / toast / crumpets Choice of cereals / toast / crumpets Choice of cereals / toast / crumpets Choice of cereals / toast / crumpets
Mid-Morning Selection of savouries / fresh fruit / water & milk Selection of savouries / fresh fruit / water & milk Selection of savouries / fresh fruit / water & milk Selection of savouries / fresh fruit / water & milk Selection of savouries / fresh fruit / water & milk
Lunch Chicken dinner with vegetables & roast potatoes Lasagne with vegetables & garlic bread Chilli and Rice Fish with potato wedges cauliflour & a cheese sauce / Cheese and Crackers Cowboy Pie and Fromage Frais
Snack Selection of fresh fruit & water Selection of fresh fruit & water Selection of fresh fruit & water Selection fresh fruit & water Selection of fresh fruit & water
Tea Tomato and Herb pasta Fruit medley Fish fingers, Waffle and beans Homemade Vegetable Soup and bread roll Hungry Caterpillar Picnic A selection of sandwiches / Frozen Yogurt Lolly