Baby Room
Our baby room is developed for the younger children of our setting.
Children access this room from the aged of 3 months up until 18/19 months when they are ready for their transition into toddler room.
We have a maximum number of 12 babies, in this room at any one time. However we like to keep our intake around 9, so we have flexibility for our parents. Our baby room has been planned with your child in mind. The room is warm and inviting, spacious with low accessible units and lots of musical and sensory toys.
The staff promote a 'home from home' feel. With a staff ratio of 1:3, babies quickly settle with a close team of staff.
Your baby will experience lots of new experiences and try out new skills that will support them on their learning journey.
Babies learn through their senses, an array of textured rugs, mats and wall displays mean their interests are held and challenged, along with adult-led sensory activities and free heuristic play.
In addition we provide sand, water and creative opportunities to enable self-expression to develop a little further. The practitioner's regularly change the areas of the rooms in order to provide lots of stimulation and learning. The practitioner's are constantly looking at new ideas to promote your child's learning and development.