Fee's & Funding
The preferred method of payment at Emma's Angels is standing order, tax free childcare or work place vouchers. Payment is due on the 1st of each month in advance of your childcare. Should you have any difficulties paying your fees or need advice or support, please speak to Emma who will be happy to talk through matters in confidence.
Nursery Holidays
We ask for a minimum of two sessions per week. This has to be over two days.
The nursery is closed on all statutory bank holidays and will close on any additional day declared a national holiday. The setting closes for 1 week at Christmas, this is normally between Christmas and New Year.
Funding for Nursery Places
From April 2024, a term after your child's second birthday, working parents will be entitled to 15 hours of funded childcare per week term time only. Those with children over 3 may be entitled to extend this by a further 15 hours if their parents meet the eligibility conditions. Dependent on which you qualify for this either equates to 570 hours or 1140 hours per year. We only offer the funding stretched and not term time only.
You can usually qualify for 15 hours of funded childcare if both the following apply:
- Your child is 2 years old or will turn 2 years old before 1 April 2024.
- You earn at least £8,670 a year and less than £100,000 a year adjusted net income, which is your income after some tax reliefs and deductions.
- If you're a couple, you'll both need to earn between these amounts
- You can get the 15 hours of funded childcare at the same time as using Tax-Free Childcare or Universal Credit for childcare.
From September 2024 the scheme will be extended to include children aged 9 months and older.
If you are entitled to get 15 hours of funded childcare a week for 38 weeks a year, which we will stretch it over 51 weeks. This means you'll get less than 15 hours a week, but you will receive the total annual allowance.
The funding is not in place to cover the cost of specialist teaching, consumables or additional services. We make a charge for those services, each day.